
About the blog:

Are you a NEOPHILE? Don't know what a Neophile is?

Are you à la mode? Don't know that either? Do you have to search for the meaning of new words every now and then?

Don't know what Elon Musk's company invented yesterday? Don't know what does Facebook think about their users?

 We all seem to be getting more self-obsessed by the day. Turn on your TV or open a web browser, and narcissism hits you smack in the face.

Well, all you, tech-savvy out there, The Tech Changes is the place for you. Here you can learn all the new things happened in tech world up-to-the-minute. Here you can find all the information about all the new inventions and the controversies in the tech world.

So All you gotta do is to be SUBSCRIBED to this blog. 

About me:

Parth Mehta is a young blogger from India. He's done his Bachelors in Engineering with a specialization in Mechanical Engineering. Writing has always been a love to him.He has been writing since his high school. He has tried to turn this hobby of his into being a little productive and has decided to write this blog. 

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