Annoyed of Constant Ads while browsing? Google Chrome Is Going to Make Your Experience Better...

Chrome by Google has always been the reliable choice among all the available options as a browser to surf the internet. Now, Google has announced to make it even better by blocking certain unwanted ads. You might be wondering which ads will be blocked by chrome as it already blocked some pop-ups and ads and was claimed to be faster than other browsers.

Well let us tell you, Chrome will block ads only on those websites which don't fulfill Google's Better Ads Standards. This is related to the announcement of Better Ads Experience Program back in June 2017. Although Google is too primarily an advertising company, Google Chrome will also block Google's own ads.

The browser will block the ads which are highly annoying, repetitive, make a pop-up and play a voice involuntarily. The websites will be given a time period of 30 days to fix their ads to make them compliant with Better Ads Experience Program and then, they can ask Google to re-evaluate.

So conclusively, this is going to be a very good step towards a neat browsing experience. This whole thing will be implemented starting from 15th of February 2018.


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