Do you want to invest? Bitcoin may be an option for you to consider!

If you are aware of the daily news and analysis nowadays, you must have heard about Bitcoin. You must have wondered what does it mean or which country uses a currency like Bitcoin. JPMorgan Chase CEO James Dimon gives an statement that Bitcoin is "stupid" and a "Great" product for crooks. Today we are going to wipe all the dust covering the topic of Bitcoin and bring all the clean information about it to you. So let us dive straight into it.

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency (a form of digital currency) which uses Cryptography for regulation of the currency as the US dollar is regulated by US Federal Reserve System. 

Bitcoin falls under the scope of cryptocurrency and was the first and most valuable among them. It is commonly called a decentralized digital currency. 

It was first invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Though this person is unknown till now. Some say, it refers to just an individual whereas some say it refers to a group.

How Bitcoin works?

Bitcoins are "self-constrained" currency, so no banks are required to store and transact these.
1 Bitcoin equals 19000.85 US Dollar or almost 16143.48 Euros. 
So this means if you own 1 or 2 bitcoins, you are carrying Gold biscuits in your pocket. Its value is still increasing day by day.
1 BTC= Euros

Should you buy a Bitcoin?

Bitcoins are traded from one personal 'wallet' to another. A wallet is a small personal database that you store on your computer drive, on your smartphone, on your tablet, or somewhere in the cloud. 
  • The name "cryptocurrency" can make you presume that it is safe to invest in BTC but some experts indicate that all the encrypted codes of BTC can be cracked. This makes Bitcoin a little bit unsafe.
  • It is seen in recent trends that bitcoin value is rising day by day. But Andrew Baily, head of FCA, UK  and many other experts have stated that the continuously inflation of the baloon of value of Bitcoin will eventually burst and all persons buying BTC should expect losing their money in a short interval of time.
So if you want to buy Bitcoin, Buy at your risk.

Hope it helped. :)
